Photo of Paul Rydell
How to land a job you love

5 Tips for Finding (and Landing) a Job You Love

How to land a job you love

Everybody wants to find a job they love.

After all, you spend a huge amount of your adult life at work. It’s far better to enjoy that time and feel good about what you’re doing than to dread going into work every day.

But it’s easier said than done. Many people are dissatisfied with their jobs and wish they could find something better.

So, how do you actually find a job you love? One that excites you and makes you jump out of bed every morning?

That’s what we’ll talk about today on the Faxburner blog!

1. Know Your Values

Your values are what’s most important to you in your life.

If you’re unhappy with your career or current job, it’s probably because it doesn’t sufficiently line up with what you truly value. This will cause underlying feelings of frustration and anxiety.

The solution? Figure out what your values are!

Here’s a great list of values you can choose from: List of values

Go through this list and pick out 5-10 that you really connect with. Ask yourself what kind of job would help you embody these values the most.

2. Find Companies You Like

Use your list of values as a starting point. Look for companies within your industry that seem to align with those values.

Do research, ask your network, and try connecting with people who work at these companies. Make connections with leaders in your industry.

These will be your target companies that you’ll aim to work for.

When researching companies, start by looking through their website, reading their mission statement, and looking at their Glass Door rating.

3. Don’t Rely Solely on Recruitment Sites

It doesn’t hurt to be on recruitment sites.

But if you rely solely on recruitment sites, you’ll set yourself up for failure. Many of the best jobs aren’t actively recruiting, and you need to find your way in by other means.

So don’t just hop on these sites and expect to find your dream job.

Instead, you can start connecting with people in your industry by going to networking events, Meetup groups, and also using LinkedIn.

For example, you can find people who work at your desired companies on LinkedIn and message them. A good way to start the first message is to quickly introduce yourself and find a way to add value (perhaps in the form of a potentially helpful connection).

4. Build Your Personal Brand

Your personal brand will help you stand out from other potential job candidates. It shows that you know how to command the online world, build your reputation, and add value.

Here are some ways you can build your personal brand:

  • Grow your social media accounts (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc.)
  • Launch your own website or blog, and discuss relevant topics in your industry
  • Show testimonials from people you’ve worked with in the past
  • Fine-tune your LinkedIn profile

5. Apply!

Once you’ve made connections within your industry and at the desired companies you want, job opportunities will open up.

And when they do, your efforts and personal brand development can give you the edge you need to apply for – and land – the jobs!

Think about the advantage you’ll have over all the candidates who simply sent in a resume to a recruiting site.

Wrapping Up Tips for Finding a Job You Love…

Life is a lot more fun when you work a job you love. By following the tips laid out here, you can lay the groundwork to finding that job and accelerating your career.

To recap:

– Know your values so you can find a job that aligns with them and gives you deeper satisfaction.

– Find companies you like so you have a starting point on your job search.

– Don’t rely solely on recruitment sites – aim to connect with employees at your desired company and within your industry by attending networking events and using LinkedIn.

– Build your personal brand to help you stand out in the job marketplace.

– Start applying to the companies you’re interested in.

Have you ever had a job you loved? How did you get the position? Let us know in the comments below!

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